30th June 2020


Write a brief plot overview

Benjamin Button in New Orlean on the last day of the First World War to a wealthy family that has made a fortune on…buttons. our first significant sign was the presence of a mysterious clock erected at the train station by a clockmaker whose son did not return home from the war. He intentionally designs the clock to run backwards in the vain hope that time will also reverse and bring back his son and those lost to the war

Button is born with all the characteristics of an old. His skin is wrinkled, and he is deaf and blind. As he grows younger his body begins to develop different characteristics over time. Abandoned by his father after the death of his mother at birth, he is raised by a black woman named Queenie. who cares for the elderly at a home. Button conveniently fits in with all the older guests. He eventually falls in love with a young girl, Daisy, who will become the object of his desire for the rest of his life. a child who flickers in and out of his life as she grows up to be a dancer. Though he has all sorts of unusual adventures over the course of his life, it is his relationship with Daisy, and the hope that they will come together at the right time, that drives Benjamin forward.

Benjamins description

Benjamin’s character has a kind manner, in his earlier years, he’s very inquisitive and curious about the world around him. He’s a gentle person, introverted and quiet. His physically fragile youth leads him to grow up into a fragile soul. He’s a wise yet playful companion for someone so young. He has more love in his heart than anyone else and has a pure acceptance that his situation will affect the ones he loves, which is why he leaves Daisy and his daughter.

Daisy’s character was a determined strong and independent women, who danced for the french ballet. Blossoming from a young sprightly girl she falls in love with benjamin the day she meets him, her love and empathy for benjamin continues throughout her life from an early age. her characteristics are

This text deals with the idea that time is inevitable, what does this mean? What key messages do you think can be taken away from this film? Inevitable ultimately means unavoidable. If you say something is inevitable, you give the sense that no matter what do you try to do to get around it, it’s going to happen sooner or later. The concept of time being inevitable is used to express no matter what we do our time is going to run out at some point and that we are all on a journey that eventually comes to an unpreventable end. In the film, there is a large clock rewired to run backwards. This is the visual representation of Benjamins life.

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